Whitney Rose

Whitney Rose

“Even the chief architect, standing in the ruins of her dream, could laugh at herself—and that is the very acme of humility.” – Tradition Four, AA

There are many useful rules to live by, but for Whitney Rose, there’s one that stands alone as a guiding principle for life as she knows it: Rule 62 . The origin of the rule is best summed up by the poignant, pronoun-adjusted excerpt from Alcoholics Anonymous’ Tradition Four cited above, a treatise on how to find harmony between ambition and self-awareness, and how to learn one’s lessons with humor and humility . This truism, officially worded as “Don’t Take Yourself Too Damn Seriously,” is the origin of both the title and ethos of Whitney Rose’s forthcoming album, Rule 62 . Six Shooter Records proudly released Rule 62 on October 6, 2017.